Toy Safety

Toys send more than 26,000 children to the emergency room every year.


What are common Toy-Related Injuries?

  • Lacerations, contusions, or abrasions
  • Asphyxiation
  • Drowning
  • Poisoning
  • Burns

What toys are most dangerous?

  • Nonmotorized scooters cause the most injuries of any toy
  • Balloons are a choking hazard when popped
  • Toy chests are an entrapment hazard
  • Stuffed toys/dolls can have small parts (like buttons) that pose a choking hazard
  • Inflatable toys used on land pose a fall hazard and those used on water pose a drowning hazard
  • Trampolines cause about 100,000 injuries every year
  • Magnets don’t travel through the digestive system. So if swallowed, they get stuck & can cause serious damage
  • Small rubber balls pose a choking hazard
  • Any small toy – if it’s small enough to fit through a toilet paper tube, it’s a choking hazard for young children


What are Some Toy Shopping Guidelines?

There are number of simple things you can do to reduce the chances of a toy-related injury. Make sure you do the following.


  • Buy age appropriate toys – follow the age guidelines on packaging. Small parts are a choking hazard, especially for kids under 3.
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest toy recalls
  • Be cautious when buying used toys. Inspect the toy to make sure there isn’t any damage, and check for recalls before you make the purchase
  • Be suspicious of prices that seem too good to be true. Oftentimes inexpensive toys are made overseas with no regulations over the use of lead paint and dangerous chemicals
  • Take a toilet paper tube shopping with you. Toys that can fit through it are choking hazards.
  • If a toy is for your own child, register it so you’ll be notified in the event of a recall
  • Assemble and inspect toys before giving them to kids
  • Clean up bags and small parts during holiday celebrations. This will remove tripping and choking hazards
  • Keep original packaging and receipts. You’ll need them if your child is injured and you want to file a claim